
Have you seen the shots from the Orla Kiely NYC store? It’s set up like a little house. So adorable! I’m excited to see all the mugs and paper products in stock, because that’s probably all I’ll be able to afford! (All images from their Facebook page)

New “Diet”

What do you call a change in the way you plan to eat? The word “diet” makes it sound like I’m doing some fad thing for 30 days to slim down for vacation.

I recently met a nurse (she’s a PhD candidate) who has spent the last 30 years working out a diet for people with IBD. She’s got Crohn’s disease herself, and she follows the diet. Plus she just finished a study on the diet out of UVA. I’m always wary of programs that claim if you only eat THIS, or in this COMBINATION, then you’ll be cured/healthy/magic. Another woman I know was actually in the study and she did really well.

So after lots of thought and lamentation, I decided I would give it a try myself. You need to realize that Candy and Bread are my two favorite food groups. I’m a big snacker and I’ve always got some kind of candy around (sugar-based, like Skittles or Haribo gummies).

This is how it works:

  • No white sugar
  • No white flour (or anything refined, like white rice)
  • Eat 1/2 cup of Bran Buds cereal each day (they are some other health food store brands, but basically it’s a super high bran-content cereal with a ton of fiber)

That’s it, those are the only rules and restrictions.

So it’s not as bad as being low carb, or gluten free, or trying to keep my blood sugar low…

I can still have bread or pasta as long as it is whole wheat (real whole wheat, which is harder to find that some of the bs the grocery store sells) and doesn’t have added sugar. I can still have starch like potatoes, and rice as long as it is brown rice or similar. I can still have sweet things, as long as I use honey, or agave nectar, or maple syrup.

I’ve been making a batch of brown rice every few days. I’ve found peanut butter that is sugar-free and a few jams that are just sweetened with fruit. I bought a bunch of fancy honey that is good just spread on whole wheat bread. I can still have cheese, and nachos, and potato chips. I’m trying to eat more veggies so I don’t gain 100 pounds from all the sodium I’m eating instead of sugar.

I bought a few cookbooks, but I haven’t had time to try anything yet. I’m hoping to try to bake something this weekend, because I need more carbs back in my life!

NYC November!

I finally bought tickets for mom and I to take the train to NYC for a day in November. Prices kept changing (exactly like booking a flight, except with no competition) and trains I wanted kept selling out, so we are leaving out of DC at 5:25 am (I know, I want to die just thinking about it). We should be in NYC by 8:45 and then our train home leaves at 6 pm. We could have left a few hours later, but I was concerned about driving home from DC so late. The train trip takes about 3 and a half hours and I am really hoping to sleep on the way up.

Top stop is the brand new Orla Kiely store. I just remembered how expensive designer stuff is, but it will be fun to try on a $500 dress, and I’m hoping to pick up a new purse and maybe some housewares.

I also got the recommendation to visit Uniqlo, Zara and Top Shop. I’d also like to stop in the huge H&M (5th and 52nd) but it’s always packed and I’m not sure what my tolerance will be for that nonsense.

I’m not sure what else we will have time for. I normally stop in the Met when I’m in town because it is donation-based admission and is huge and awesome. I also need to figure some good options for breakfast and lunch.


Back in September I actually won a fabulous prize from My Milk Glass Heart’s 3 Year Blog Anniversary contest. I was entry #1 and the random number generator actually picked that number. I never win anything!

The package arrived the first week of my terrible mystery illness, so I didn’t get a chance to use most of the stuff for a while.

My favorite item is the Ulta makeup bag (full of makeup!). It’s the red bag, which is a neutral color palate. I am really liking the eye liner, mascara, and the eye shadows. I have been getting a lot of use out of this makeup kit!

Ulta Makeup Bag

The next best thing is this beautiful handmade alpaca scarf, which perfectly matches a pink tweed coat I own. It’s not cold enough yet, but I look forward to wearing this.
Scarf by Danielle Todd of I am Suburban

Probably the weirdest item (that I turned out loving a ton) was a Japanese wash cloth. It’s like a shower poof that isn’t gathered up into a poof shape. This makes it easy to wash your back, or wrap it around your arms/legs and scrub all sides in one go. The material makes a great lather with just a little liquid soap. You can buy your own here on Amazon.

Thanks My Milk Glass Heart (aka Lara)!

Bunny Pictures for October

Domino's first day

We cuddle every day

Chillin' outside his cage

He even matches the decor!

My new bunny

Successfully made it to the fair yesterday. It was pretty huge and we didn’t get there until 3:30, so we still need to go back hopefully Thursday or Friday night.

Mom borrowed a wheelchair and pushed me around all day because I wouldn’t have had the stamina to walk around on my own. [Still sick, feeling maybe 10% better. Still no diagnosis.]

We didn’t see the livestock up for ribbons, but we did make it to the petting zoo where they also had animals for sale. I ended up impulse-buying a baby bunny.

Domino the Bunny

Domino the Bunny

I bought a cage and a few days’ worth of food from the people selling the bunnies, but had to go to the Tractor Supply Center this morning to get him a water bottle and some more hay.

I’ve decided to name him Domino. He’s supposedly about 2 months old and will about double in size until he weighs approximately 4 pounds. He is a mini rex, which is a breed known for short, velvety fur. He is so soft.

I’m trying to get him used to people. He will cuddle sometimes, but also likes to bite me on the hand and forearm. Bunnies like to chew everything, but I hope he outgrows the biting because the sucker can hurt.

They can be litter box trained, which I want to try to do, but apparently it can take weeks.